Saturday, May 9, 2009

Week 4 day 3

Tasks of this day:
today I helped the new student who joined the training department in organizing the training sheets and it certificates. Also, I helped the employees in training department to find out the invoices of the training courses to in cash them. And I attended a small party that the HR department made for their manager because she won the pries of the best employee.

Today the employees were focusing more with the new student they seem to trust her more because they was giving her to check some documents and report in them so I asked her if she need for a help and she agreed so I worked with her and I proved that I am able to do such as things.

Things I like and I don’t like in my work placement:
I don’t like that employees her in thus section are working mostly individually so they take a long time in some tasks that they should do it as I see in a group.

Skills I had used:
Excel sheets, for example (I did theFormatting, frozen cells, arrange lists alphabetically, and merging cells), and i used my organizing and management skills a lot at the work.

New skills learnt:
Double check my work because unexpected mistakes could be done by me with out feeling.

Work Performance:
I'm satisfy with what I am doing, but I feel that I need challenging work to do.

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